With all of the recent disasters I think it is a good time for business owners to review their business income coverage.
When was the last time you took a look at your business income coverage? What will you do if your business is damaged or destroyed? Will you be able to recover? This question is one that we should discuss now, before you have a disaster.
Do you have a business continuation plan? This can be very simple or complex depending on your specific business operations.
Here are just a few items to consider;
1) How has your business changed over the last year? Two years? Ownership, sales growth, locations, number of employees etc...
2) Do you have property damage? From a covered peril?
3) Will the business need to close for repairs? For how long? Can this location be repaired?
4) Has a major supplier had a disaster that prevents them from getting you required products or materials? What alternatives do you have?
5) How will you retain your employees? Do you have essential/key employees that you would have a difficult time replacing?
6) What are your fixed expenses? Advertising, mortgage, portions of utilities, insurance premiums, lease payments, depreciation, property taxes, payroll for essential employees.
Now for the good news! There are a number of options that you can select from on how your income can continue. How can you get help with business income insurance options? If it has been a while, or there have been big changes to your business - Call me at 913-948-6590 today to set up a review and discuss your options.