In this world of identity theft and hacking are you doing what you can to protect your identity?
In 2016, major companies like Google, Yahoo and LinkedIn uncovered breaches that exposed millions of records of user data. In fact, it’s estimated that more than three billion login IDs and passwords were stolen last year alone.
Can you believe that “123456” and “password” are still the most popular passwords being used! Hopefully your are not using these or the very easy guessed passwords. Most of us use weak passwords and that we reuse frequently on different sites because it is difficult to remember all of them. Let alone changing them frequently. You may want to consider using a password manager. But, I have always felt that if I put my passwords in another place on the web-cloud it to is hackable, right?
Here are some suggestions for you to consider when setting up your passwords. Use at least a 9 digit password including lower and upper case letters, numbers, and symbols.
Pick a phrase, combine random words that you like, use the first letters of these words or phrases and add numbers and symbols. Then mix it up when you need to change it.
And finally make it longer. Every character you add has an exponential impact on the time it takes to crack it.
If I can help with your insurance needs including cyber liability please give me a call at 913-948-6590.